From Soft Skills to Enabling Skills: It’s time to change our thinking!

In today's ultra-fast, connected, and complex world, what was once termed "soft" is actually enabling.

Have You Heard of Enabling Skills?

Recently, I had an enlightening conversation with a CEO about a new leadership program for their top team. During our discussion, he mentioned a well-known but less frequently used term: “soft skills.” This gave me pause. It’s a term I’ve known well, yet it felt somewhat antiquated in our conversation. It made me consider whether it’s time to replace the connotation of “soft skills” with “enabling skills.”

Why Enabling Skills Matter

The premise is simple yet profound: all organisations, no matter how automated, are fundamentally human constructs. Take the mining industry, for example. While many processes are highly automated, the core value delivery still hinges on people. People working together across different perspectives and preferences make the difference. If you accept this premise, then the most important consideration in delivering value is how well people work together.

Enabling Skills in Today’s World

In today’s ultra-fast, connected, and complex world, what was once termed “soft” is actually enabling. Enabling skills are the critical capabilities that allow individuals and teams to function effectively and adapt to ever-changing environments. It’s less about the skills themselves and more about the mindset that enables success. Here are a few examples:

  • Perspective-Taking: The ability to seek and understand others’ perspectives is crucial. In diverse teams, different viewpoints can lead to innovative solutions and better decision-making. Enabling skills help leaders and team members to step outside their own viewpoints and truly listen to others, fostering collaboration and creativity.
  • Self-Awareness: Recognising when your own view is limiting the situation is a powerful enabler. Leaders who are aware of their biases and limitations can create more inclusive and effective teams. This self-awareness allows for better problem-solving and a more adaptive approach to challenges.
  • Adaptive Capacity: In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt and be flexible is essential. Enabling skills encompass a growth mindset, where individuals are open to learning and evolving, making them more resilient and capable of handling uncertainty.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing emotions, both your own and others, is key to effective teamwork. High emotional intelligence enables better communication, conflict resolution, and overall team cohesion.
  • Collaboration: True collaboration goes beyond working together; it involves leveraging each person’s strengths and compensating for weaknesses. Enabling skills ensure that collaboration is not just a buzzword but a practiced reality.

Making the Shift

By focusing on enabling skills, we shift the narrative from something perceived as “soft” to something recognised as essential. These skills are not optional add-ons but core enablers of success in today’s complex world. They empower individuals to work together more effectively, leading to greater organisational success and personal fulfilment.

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